For a lot of people, boxing paints a mental image of two individuals beating each other into a square ring on national TV. Recently however, the sport of boxing has become more available and tapered to any kind of individual. Kickboxing first seemed to spur the initial boxing trend, but then eventually, boxing and kickboxing clubs started popping up everywhere. On social media, you began to see your favorite stars donning boxing gloves and posing by bags. It’s all for a good reason too, boxing has some major mental and physical benefits that can burn a ton of calories as well.
Boxing helps lower stress levels. The amount of adrenaline you get from punching a bag after a long, stressful day is incredibly rewarding. The hormones and chemicals released afterwards are a great way to boosting your mood and feeling incredibly productive.
- Boxing is a great workout, and works the entire body. Not only does it work your arms and shoulders. But continuously hitting the bag, and rotating your body, works out your entire core, and makes your heart rate skyrocket. All of this results in a killer workout for your entire body, and ends up burning a ton of calories. This is also great for keeping a healthy heart and mind.
- Boxing is a great way to improve hand-eye coordination. Many of the moves in boxing require a focused eye and a good mind and body connection. Constant drills, and routines that have set moves are great for this, and continuous practice will really help improve these skills.
Now that boxing has become more available, and friendly for everyday people, it is a great way to mix up your workout routine, and get yourself in a friendly environment with people who are trying something new, and trying to improve themselves.
Remember to check with your doctor before trying anything new like boxing or kickboxing. You want to be sure you are ready for a good workout and you do not have any issues that might be made worse by the repetitive motion or the types of movements you will be making. Most clubs ease you into the sport and make sure you are ready, so do not worry that you are going to be fighting people. You move at your own pace.