The traditional trip can be fun but can also feel a little bit stale if you have been there, done that. While people are all aware of the traditional “vacation” of one or two weeks, I wanted to come up with some alternatives to travel for you to consider. Not all of these will work for most people, as they depend on your current life situation as well as your tolerance for adventure.
Work Abroad – It will take months to arrange, but there are many countries that bring in native English speakers to teach English. This is often just a matter of having a degree in anything and being a native speaker. Living a summer or years in another country teaching is very rewarding if you get with a good school and a nice location.
- Study Abroad – Don’t want to teach? Get taught. Take an educational trip. These are sometimes lead or might be just taking classes in a university in another country.
- Extended Business Trip – This one is not as involved, but it is a must if you can swing it. If you have a business trip, negotiate a swap and take your family or friends along for free. When I was touring the country as a national speaker, I would frequently trade extra nights in the hotel in exchange for airfare. Then we would drive and get a paid vacation for the cost of gas and food. Had a lot of nice 3-4 day trips like this.
- Coach Surfing – If you are young and hungry to hit the road, coach surfing can be fun. You talk to your friends and line up places to stay and then travel from place to place staying with friends of friends. You meet a lot of great people. Just be careful to not end up with anyone who is not highly recommended by people you trust.
- Airbnb – You can save a lot staying at Airbnb locations and I have heard of one writer living in Airbnb locations. He stays until he gets tired of the location and then moves to a new location. Not quite vagabonding but close.
Any of these options can lead to some nice experiences without doing the traditional vacation.